

    Out of all skin types, dry skin is considered to be most complex skin condition. It requires persistent and regular moisturizing. The moisturizers which you use should be oily sufficient. People with dry care should take extra care while using soaps. Since some kinds of soaps are responsible for occurrence of dry skin. In such a situation, use of face wash is done extensively to hydrate the skin. The issues of dry skin become more complicated in winter because in winter the chances are high that it is easily get susceptible to flaking. Most skin products that proves useful to dry skin comes at high prices because they carries fortifying oils and provides huge number of beauty benefits. Instead skin care products, obtaining home remedies may prove much useful as they are cost effective, easily available, too much effective and reusable.

    Dehydration is one the leading reason behind occurrence of dry skin. Most of time skin becomes dry because of drinking insufficient water throughout the day or intake of too much caffeine and sugary products. Lack of vitamin A, vitamin B, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits and improper diet are also major risk factors of dry skin. Hence, keep in mind that dry skin requires more hydration. Therefore, enough intake of water plays a dominant role in defeating dry skin and improving texture of your skin.

    Be conscious before making use of any kind of facial cleansers, make-up products, skin care products and skin creams. Since the chances are high that they can aggravate your skin condition instead of improving skin texture. This happens because too much use of chemical is done while preparing them, which in turn stimulates dry skin. Sometime the problem of skin irritation and itching also takes place due to being allergic to any of ingredient present in it. In addition, some studies indicate that spending hour in an air-conditioned room everyday is one reason behind dry skin. Besides aforesaid causes, hormonal imbalance, genetic condition and disease like diabetes and psoriasis can also contribute to dry patches on face.

    • Honey:-

    Honey is believed to be best product for people with dry skin. Honey plays a main role in giving smooth and supple skin. Mixture of honey and orange juice proves effective for dry skin. For obtaining desire results, leave the mixture for 10 minutes and then washed off.

    • Melted chocolate:-

    Delicious chocolate rich in sugar also offers miraculous results for people having dry skin. Simply applying melted chocolate on skin helps a lot as it offers glow that dry skin deficiencies. For making chocolate pack makes use of 5 tbsp of cocoa powder, 2 tbsp of mashed avocado, 5 tbsp of honey and 2 spoonfuls of maize. Mix all these ingredients thoroughly and After 30 minutes wash face with lukewarm water, this face mask will certainly prove useful for dry skin.

    • Oil and egg:-

    Take 1 egg and a tbsp of honey, and then mix them thoroughly. Later mix rose water and few drops of lime to that mixture but mixture should not be like too liquid. Once apply the mixture allow it to dry and then rinse it off with warm water. After washing face do not forget to apply curd pack.

    • Besan:-

    Besan pack plays a leading role in hydrating dry skin and eradicating fine lines and wrinkles. To prepare this make, take 2 tbsp of besan, 1 tbsp of honey, 1 tbsp of turmeric and a little milk. While applying this mixture, add few drops of lime and then apply over face. Leave this face pack over face until it gets dry and they wash it off with warm water.

    • Cleansing oil:-

    Oil has too many cleansing properties which prove useful for people with dry skin. Making use of castor oil is also one effective solution as it does the function of repairing the dry skin. It proves extremely beneficial in winter. For renovating the flaky skin, apply mixture of olive as well as castor oil. Combination of both oils makes skin soft and smooth significantly.

    • Mango:-

    Face pack prepared from ripe mango help significantly for dry skin. To make mango face pack, take a tbsp of honey, 3 tbsp of olive oil and pulp of ripe mango. Make use of this face pack to get over dry skin at earliest. This mixture provide immense moisture and gives glow to skin.

    • Banana:-

    Take two bananas and grind them in mixer properly. Later apply this mashed banana over face and after 25-30 minutes wash it off cleanly with water.

    • Avocado:-

    Freeze out the juice from one avocado and mix a tbsp of honey and curd to it. Make use of this mixture for dry parts of skin and then rinse it off.

    • Curd pack:-

    Applying mixture of 2 tbsp of curd and honey helps significantly to get rid of dry skin. People having dry skin should apply this to get radiant and glowing skin as soon as possible. Leave the mixture at least half an hour and then wash it off.

    • Eggs pack:-

    Eggs are said to be powerhouse of protein and eggs pack are indispensable for achieving healthy, radiant skin. It is one of the easily homemade beauty remedy for people of dry skin. For preparing this face pack take one egg only and excluding the yolk. Later mix a tbsp of orange juice, a tbsp of olive oil, a teaspoon of castor oil, few drops of rose water, a tbsp of olive oil, few drops of freshly crushed lime juice and honey into egg yolk. After including all these ingredients, apply the same mixture daily morning before taking a bath and then rinsed off.


    In today’s world person’s personality is judged by their style. In fact, to wear fashionable clothes and footwear has become a necessity. People use the fashionable clothes, footwear and latest hair style to present themselves differently in front of the world. In short, now it becomes a way of presenting identity. Though fashionable clothes and accessories help you to look trendier and smarter but they are severely affecting to your certain parts of body as well. There is a tremendous influence of fashion on people’s mind including children, due to which some people are spending lots of money on fashionable items without hesitating. As a result, cost of living also increases substantially. Fashion industry is a vast industry and its impact on society is massive.

    There are innumerable effects of fashion on human health which are listed below:

    1. Skinny jeans:- 
    Though skinny jeans are fashionable but wearing such jeans and other tight-fitting trousers have huge negative impact on both genders health. Due to wearing such clothes men often undergoes overheating of the testes and it results in low sperm count and consequently infertility problem increases in men. In women, the possibilities of developing thrush problem and nerve compression enhance. Further this nerve compression contributes to the risk of tingling or numb thighs as well.

    2. Flip flops and flat shoes:-
    Flip flops are quite comfortable and considered less harmful than high heels but these flip flops too have some health risk as well. Flat shoes and flip flops induces tendon problem, ankle sprain and planter fasciitis. Both types of shoes have lack support so causes imbalance and result in foot pain. One study has revealed that around 40 million people are suffering from injuries due to use flip-flops.

    3. Tight and lacy undergarments:-
    Using tight undergarments especially brassieres can create trouble or interrupt your sleep. In fact, one research also has disclosed that, the pressure of this type of bras inhibits the production of melatonin, which badly affects your sleep and result in making you ill. Besides that, use of synthetic and lacy panties can stimulate irritation, which further contributes to infection. In addition, if these undergarments are worn under skinny jeans then probability of yeast infection enhances considerably.

    4. High heels:-
    High heels are popularly use around the world. No doubt, wearing high heels gives immense pleasures and sexier look for women. But, at the same time there are huge negative impacts are also associated with wearing high heels, which are often neglected. When females wear high heels, the pressure on forefoot raises and also stretch the Achilles tendon. Continuous use of high heels often results in extreme pain, poor posture, hammer toes, back pain and even bone deformity as well.

    5. Compression undergarments:-
    This type of undergarment especially used significantly in order to bulge tummy. But they are extremely harmful for health since use of tight-fitting garments on the lower abdominal region and the upper thigh can lead to numerous health disorders like meragia paresthetica and irritation of nerves. Besides that, they put huge pressure on stomach and result in problem like heartburn, shortness of breath and digestive problems.

    6. Piercings:-
    Several studies indicate that 25% of body piercing often contributes to complications like swelling, infection and bleeding. Navel piercing carries higher risk of infection. Internal piercing like tongue and genital piercing are also extremely susceptible to infection. These type of infection if left untreated on time spread to brain and brain abscess. Apart from these, infection like endocarditis (one infection related to inner lining of the heart) may also take place.

    7. Handbags:-
    Due to large number of gadgets and accessories many women carries several pound of weight on their shoulders on daily basis. Due to which the problem like neck pain, poor posture and severe back pain increases. Carrying heavy bag daily is inevitable, so switch shoulders periodically to reduce the stress otherwise clear out all non-useful items and give preference to a smaller bag.

    8. Tight finger ring:-
    Usually, rings are worn by many people. But tight rings may contribute to poor circulation of blood in the fingers, due to which numbness and discomfort enhances. Therefore, remove the ring after every 1-2 hours and allow your fingers to breathe properly.

    9. Metal jewelry:-
    The chemical component utilized in the jewelry result in severe allergic reaction in most of the people. The nickel element is believed to be major risk factor of several skin reactions. So, people who are allergic to a particular metal should take extra care while using such metal jewelry.

    10. Contact lenses:-
    Most of the people have the habit of using non-prescribed contact lenses, in order to look cool and attractive. But, never use contact lenses without consulting your health care provider. As various types of lenses have introduced in the market and their influence is incredible on people mind. But use of these lenses can damage your eye health. Therefore, make use of these lenses under proper medical guidance only.

    11. Tight shirt collars and neckties:-
    Due to tight shirt collars and neckties, you may suffer from tingly ears or blurred vision and headache also. Besides these, the chances of blood flow may also reduce to the brain and intraocular pressure enhances considerably. The disease called glaucoma may also take place due to neckties and if this disease is not treated on time may further leads to blindness. This is because try maximum to wear shirt with correct color size and most often lose you tie. Wash you ties daily in order to ward off bacterial infection.

    12. Tight headgear or headbands:-
    The tight headgear which you use may squeeze your head and further result in headache. Along with headgear use of tight headband may cause strain on the scalp. So, the chances of extreme pain and hair breakage increase.

    13. Artificial Eyelashes:-
    Most of the women like to wear artificial eyelashes all the time as use of such lashes enhances the beauty of eyes. But always remember, excess use of artificial eyelashes is not good for your natural eyelashes. As the glue utilized while making artificial lashes often remain stick to your eyelids, so the natural lashes get damage and becomes thin.


    The Stomach acid works as a facilitating digestive stuff that exists in large and small amount. Stomach acid is nothing, but a gastric acid comprises with a vigorous hydrochloric acid, which helps break down (digest) the foodstuff. Stomach holds such a concentrated acid that it turns the foodstuff into waste stuff, within some hours. Parietal cells found responsible for the formation, of hydrochloric acid. The stomach is finished up of various layers. The serosa: it’s a coating or cover of the outer surface. Layers of two muscles, which are located in the center helps, push the foodstuff from the abdomen, to the small intestine. The mucosa is the most inside layer, finished up of specific cells (parietal and epithelial cell). However, gastric acid is a type of fluid, which gets formed in the abdomen for digestion purpose. Well, the stomach acid is necessary for the splitting and digestion of the foodstuffs, but an over formation of stomach acid may lead, to gastric ulcer issue. One can get an issue of stomach ulcer and bacterial formation. Eating spicy and unhealthy foods may stand one of the leading factors, to cause stomach ulcer problem. An excessive intake of medicines, certain addiction of drugs like (smoking, alcoholism, etc.) found another fact, to cause stomach ulcer issue. Certain infectious attack, food poison, bacterial generation, etc. are found responsible, for the gastric ulcer problem. Furthermore, a family history and excessive intake of alcohol found highly responsible, for ulcer formation. However, people who followed certain practices in the life may get the risk of stomach ulcer. Sometimes, the age group matters too; you may see the issue of stomach ulcer or gastric ulcer, people beyond the age of 45. If, I talk about ulcer formation; it, indirectly means an increment in stomach acid. When the acid gets increased you fail to manage proper eating. In severe cases, an excessive production of acid may lead to hole in the stomach lining. I think taking precaution would be most advisable step, to get prevented from excessive acid formation. Maintain a regular consumption of fruits and vegetables; since, they hold fewer amounts of acids. Maintaining an intake of healthy food stuff is a best precautionary step. Avoid consuming oily and spicy stuff. Do not get addicted to smoking and alcohol. There are certain foodstuffs, whose consumption may fail, to enhance the level of stomach acid and in case helps stabilize the formation of stomach acid.



    You might somewhat know the health effects of banana; its daily intake found beneficial to promote optimum health. People, adding banana in their daily diet faces less risk of ulcer formation and could manage, to get adequate stomach acid formation.


    As we know how beneficial apple is? Consuming one apple in a day reduces the risk of many diseases. People, eating an apple daily may get stabilized stomach acid formation. This stood one of the most advantageous fruits amongst all; one must enjoy the benefits, of this fruits.


    Pear is a seasonal fruit hold great taste and vast health benefits. One can eat the pear before taking the meal; this helps cut down the risk of stomach or gastric ulcer complications. Well, fruits are found naturally rich in soothing effect; hence, its daily intake is mandatory, to maintain good health.


    Again mango stood a seasonal fruit, but it holds excellent stomach soothing ability. Well, I know mango is warm in nature, but I am not asking you to have in bulk amount; a one mango before meal is sufficient to get balanced stomach acid formation.


    Being, a seasonal fruit, strawberry always been a most awaited and favorite fruits, of the people. It comprises various essential components, which works fabulously for health up gradation. Adding a bowl full of strawberries in the morning and evening would be supportive, for the acid limitation. Strawberries are found calm in nature; so, one can enjoy its benefit by adding it daily, in the diet.


    Melon comprises of water melon, musk melon, etc. this is a form of fruits, which facilitates the digestive system and calms the stomach temperature. Eating melon before the meal aids efficient digestive circulation. One may face less risk of stomach disorders. Consuming melon helps limit the acid formation.



    Green vegetables found excellent source for an optimum health development. People, consuming broccoli found at less risk of stomach or gastric ulcer formation. Broccoli found loaded with many significant components, which helps combat with many ailments. It works well to maintain the stomach acid formation. One can get stabilized level of stomach acid.


    Carrot in addition found helpful for stomach soothing. It is scientifically proven that people consuming carrot daily are less likely, to get any health disorders. One can maintain the formation of stomach acid, which helps cut down the risk of ulcer.


    Cabbage is found rich in minerals, vitamins and nutrients, which eases the development of the health and facilitates the digestive function. Consuming cabbage juice works efficiently to stabilize the stomach acid. Cabbage holds less acid, which reduces the risk of stomach ulcer or gastric ulcer.


    Try adding cucumber in your diet; it is one of the fabulous working veggie amongst all. It found loaded with fibers, which promotes healthy digestive system. Add a plate of cucumber salad daily during the meal.


    Green peas hold a sweet taste; eating it raw found more beneficial than the cooked one. Well, I have tried boiled peas it really works fabulous.


    Water is one of the most significant components, to run the organs of the body. Water helps facilitates the digestive system. People, consuming ample amount of water are less likely to face any stomach disorder. It is the best solution to balance the stomach acid formation. One can get a calm abdomen temperature. 


    A long, dense and strong hair is the beauty of the women; it improves the beauty of the face. An extreme care and maintenance is required, to get beautiful hair. Today, in busy schedule people fail to take care of their health. Well, lifestyle is an essential part that should be maintained by everyone. Decent attire and hairstyles are the main aspects, to brings attractive looks. Mostly, the female is seen more concern about their hair; certain hairstyles, looks, maintenance make them piled up. Now-a-days, hair loss has become a biggest concern for everyone. Reasons are enormous; unhealthy diet, lack of care, improper maintenance, etc. Most of the time the busy schedule makes the people careless; this stood a common reason amongst all, in today’s generation. If, I talk about care, the first thing I would indicate a hair care because hair loss has become a common issue of every individual. As like a body needs a diet to take a healthy growth; same way the hair needs a diet, to take strong and healthy growth. Hair diet is nothing, but hair oil.

    Most of the people hate to use hair oil; since, they need to make various hairstyles. They are known or unknown about the facts, I can’t make it out, but I would suggest that a regular hair oil massage is necessary, to boost vigorous and long hair. If, you really want to manage the beauty of the hair, then start applying oil on the hair. Not only this; one needs to balance and maintain their regular diet, remember the diet should be healthy not unhealthy. Your diet must hold all nutrients, vitamins, minerals and protein level. Well, it depends on how often you wash your hair; since this is the main part of the hair care. A daily wash or one time washes in a week, depends what people prefer.  As far as the fact is concerned an irregular hair wash leads to hair fall, unclean and attractive-less hair. I partially admit that a regular and certain hairstyles lead, to hair fall problem. In short, to get a healthy hair; you need to limit the way of hairstyle.

    Some tips to follow

    • A regular combing may trim down the volume, of the hair. Tie your hair and avoid combing the hair repeatedly.
    • A female habitual with certain hairstyle and a regular ironing may lead to weak, unhealthy and unattractive hair. Regular ironing spoils the shine of the hair. So, better you apply the oil and keep the hair looks, natural.
    • A prolonged exposure to sunlight may burn the texture, of the hair. It also brings rough, dry and unhealthy hair looks.
    • Covering the head while crossing through the polluted or stain full area would be helpful to prevent the hair from getting parched, fizzy, and rough along with fewer glows.
    • Sometimes, playing with the hair may found responsible for hair breakage. Well, tying an extreme tight hair too found responsible for hair fall and hair breakage. My indication is sharp towards the college and school girls.
    • As we know that the hair improves the beauty of the face; so, try maintaining it naturally healthy and attractive; since, most of the people follow ironing, bonding to improve the look of the hair, which results hair damages and excessive hair fall.

    Stuff and its usage

    • For some people, maintenance of the hair actually involves shampooing the hair. I don’t understand, why people are mad to use shampoo as a hair care therapy. Even though knowing about the facts that the shampoo is chemical contain product, people are keen to use it. Twice in a week is preferable, but a daily use may damage your hair health. Some of the research has examined that people with regular shampoo can get the follicles blockage, feeble hair, and reduction in hair density. You can notice a regular shampooing reduces the hair volume; it brings thin and weak hair. Most of the people, who are seen habitual with daily shampooing found half bald. I know shampooing is a stuff, which is required to remove the stains and to promote shine, of the hair. As, we are well educated to know the facts of using certain chemical rich products. I prefer shampooing my hair twice in a week with alternative oil massage. However, the shampoo can be chemical contained or chemical free; the user must know its appliance process. The stuff called conditioner found most usable now-a-days; this is another product found harmful, for the hair. The direct appliance of conditioner and shampoo over the scalp causes hair fall problem.
    • The people, who hold dandruff and lice in their hair need to, follow certain specialized shampoo, to get rid of it. But this may be the product, which may enhance the risk of hair fall and reduction in hair density. Dandruff relief shampoo works well, to wipe out the dandruff from the hair, but do not use it regularly or unnecessarily; since it holds chemicals in high range, which found harm full for the hair health. Some of the studies noticed that a user of dandruff shampoo faces itchy, dry and rough scalp. One may also get a weak and temporary hair fall problem. Furthermore, the same condition goes with the lice shampoo, people holding lice in the hair follows certain shampoos, to get rid of it. Its excessive usage may lead, to feeble hair and loss of hair problem. Once you apply it, you may get the itchy scalp for a moment, but after washing, the itchiness gets reduced. You can just imagine the effect of the shampoo, which holds certain chemicals that kills the lice. In short, if you become a habitual of using lice shampoo, you may get the risk of unhealthy hair. I know certain hair issues can be solved by the help of these products, but the effect of onetime use and a regular usage varies.  

    All Indian spices play a crucial role in making food tasty and delicious and are very popular in Indian cuisine. The most beneficial advantage is that these spices are utilized for medicinal purposes as well. India is blessed with varied climate due to which each state of it produces different variety of spices. However, the list of below listed spices not only adds color, taste and flavor but also provides immense health benefits which are mentioned below:



    Cinnamons are mostly in form of long, dark brown and dried stick and offers sweet and mildly hot flavor. In fact, it is said to be world’s favorite baking spice. It is mostly used for making various sweet and savory dishes. Besides offering good taste it improves your digestive ability and is well known for blood sugar and cholesterol lowering properties. Consumption of this spice is considered beneficial in order to obviate nausea, flatulence and common cold. In short this aromatic kind of spice is good for your overall health.


    This is known to be most aromatic spice in all Indian spices. It is available in two forms that are green and black. It is believed to be extremely beneficial to prevent bad breath. Apart from that, it is effective in order to overcome depression, loss of appetite, nausea, indigestion and so on.


    Bright colored turmeric contains an abundant source of antioxidant. It is well known for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Several studies have disclosed that it is most beneficial in treating small cuts, wounds and arthritis than any other type of medicine. Turmeric is widely used in various cosmetic products also to get whiter and glowing skin. Recent studies indicate that this effective spice fight against life threatening cancer as well. Warm glass of milk mixed with turmeric is considered extremely beneficial to get rid of cold and cough since last several years. One research has revealed that turmeric helps to prevent the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and joint inflammation. In addition, it aids in reducing liver damages causes due to over consumption of alcohol and regular use of pain killer.


    Basically cloves are extensively used in Indian, Mexican and Vietnam’s cuisines and cloves are said to be “hottest” spice among all spices. Cloves are known to have antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It helps to get relief from chest pain, digestive problem, cough, cold and fever. Since ages it is widely used to alleviate toothache problem as well.


    Though it is bitter in taste but it has desirable medicinal quality as well. Fenugreek seeds acts an excellent blood purifier and is laxative also. So, consequently helps in maintaining metabolism, prevent constipation and works like antidote against several skin problems. The paste of fenugreek seeds is considered extremely effective to get long and shiny hair. Hence, simply apply the paste of fenugreek seeds on the scalp for nourishing and regenerating hair.

    Red chilli powder:-

    Spicy chilli powder plays a key role in reducing LDL or bad cholesterol and it also contains great source of antioxidant, beta-carotene. Particularly fresh chillies are rich in vitamin C.


    These small green seeds are not only particularly use to make various dishes and pickles but are specially eaten after having meals as a mouth freshener. These seeds also includes high amount of vitamin C, iron, fiber and potassium. In fact these small green seeds act as an antispasmodic agent and especially alleviate colic in infants.


    It is popularly used for culinary purposes and in making various beauty products also. It is extensively used in preparing sweet dishes and has good medicinal properties as well. This expensive and golden thread like spice is pack with several essential nutrients. The lesser known benefit of saffron is that it is heart friendly and enhances your sex drive too. Besides that, helps to overcome skin diseases, cough, cold and asthma efficiently.

    Black pepper:-

    This expensive spice helps to improve digestive ability, increases appetite, expectorant and a great nervine tonic. Basically it is widely used to get rid of common cold and cough. Several studies indicate that it lowers blood lipids and conquers cholesterol absorption.

    Star anise:-

    Star anise is mostly used medicinal as well as culinary purposes. It is considered beneficial for rheumatism and is helpful for improving digestion and gives relief from bad breath.


    It is significantly used in preparing perfumes, shampoos, soaps and medicine as well. It cures several health disorders such as asthma, heart disorder and bad breath.


    It is significantly used in beauty products as well as medicines. It helps to get rid of asthma, bad odor and various cardiac diseases.


    It is not only use for cooking purposes but also medicinal purposes. It has antibiotic properties as a result helps to get relief from common cold and cough.

    Curry leaves:-

    This small green leaves aid in reducing blood sugar and are widely utilized in herbal medicines.


    This delicious spice not only adds specific flavor to the foods but also improves one’s digestion power and helps to relieve common cold and cough.


    It is useful in order to treat aching joints and rheumatism. In addition, it helps to abolish various health disorders such as sore throat, indigestion, fever, chronic allergies and so on.

    Bay leaf:-

    Bay leaves are another important spice that adds some specific flavor to the foods and makes food delicious. This leaves are known to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.


    This extremely important spice has numerous health benefits. It plays a significant role in treating various respiratory diseases such as asthma, cough and bronchitis. In addition it is also useful in unusual painful and excessive menstruation.

    Cumin Seeds:-

    Antiseptic properties of cumin seeds enhance immune system and help to overcome various health disorders like stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, morning sickness, indigestion and so on. It is packed with immense amount iron.