Out of all skin types, dry skin is considered to be most complex skin condition. It requires persistent and regular moisturizing. The moisturizers which you use should be oily sufficient. People with dry care should take extra care while using soaps. Since some kinds of soaps are responsible for occurrence of dry skin. In such a situation, use of face wash is done extensively to hydrate the skin. The issues of dry skin become more complicated in winter because in winter the chances are high that it is easily get susceptible to flaking. Most skin products that proves useful to dry skin comes at high prices because they carries fortifying oils and provides huge number of beauty benefits. Instead skin care products, obtaining home remedies may prove much useful as they are cost effective, easily available, too much effective and reusable.
Dehydration is one the leading reason behind occurrence of dry skin. Most of time skin becomes dry because of drinking insufficient water throughout the day or intake of too much caffeine and sugary products. Lack of vitamin A, vitamin B, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits and improper diet are also major risk factors of dry skin. Hence, keep in mind that dry skin requires more hydration. Therefore, enough intake of water plays a dominant role in defeating dry skin and improving texture of your skin.
Be conscious before making use of any kind of facial cleansers, make-up products, skin care products and skin creams. Since the chances are high that they can aggravate your skin condition instead of improving skin texture. This happens because too much use of chemical is done while preparing them, which in turn stimulates dry skin. Sometime the problem of skin irritation and itching also takes place due to being allergic to any of ingredient present in it. In addition, some studies indicate that spending hour in an air-conditioned room everyday is one reason behind dry skin. Besides aforesaid causes, hormonal imbalance, genetic condition and disease like diabetes and psoriasis can also contribute to dry patches on face.
- Honey:-
Honey is believed to be best product for people with dry skin. Honey plays a main role in giving smooth and supple skin. Mixture of honey and orange juice proves effective for dry skin. For obtaining desire results, leave the mixture for 10 minutes and then washed off.
- Melted chocolate:-
Delicious chocolate rich in sugar also offers miraculous results for people having dry skin. Simply applying melted chocolate on skin helps a lot as it offers glow that dry skin deficiencies. For making chocolate pack makes use of 5 tbsp of cocoa powder, 2 tbsp of mashed avocado, 5 tbsp of honey and 2 spoonfuls of maize. Mix all these ingredients thoroughly and After 30 minutes wash face with lukewarm water, this face mask will certainly prove useful for dry skin.
- Oil and egg:-
Take 1 egg and a tbsp of honey, and then mix them thoroughly. Later mix rose water and few drops of lime to that mixture but mixture should not be like too liquid. Once apply the mixture allow it to dry and then rinse it off with warm water. After washing face do not forget to apply curd pack.
- Besan:-
Besan pack plays a leading role in hydrating dry skin and eradicating fine lines and wrinkles. To prepare this make, take 2 tbsp of besan, 1 tbsp of honey, 1 tbsp of turmeric and a little milk. While applying this mixture, add few drops of lime and then apply over face. Leave this face pack over face until it gets dry and they wash it off with warm water.
- Cleansing oil:-
Oil has too many cleansing properties which prove useful for people with dry skin. Making use of castor oil is also one effective solution as it does the function of repairing the dry skin. It proves extremely beneficial in winter. For renovating the flaky skin, apply mixture of olive as well as castor oil. Combination of both oils makes skin soft and smooth significantly.
- Mango:-
Face pack prepared from ripe mango help significantly for dry skin. To make mango face pack, take a tbsp of honey, 3 tbsp of olive oil and pulp of ripe mango. Make use of this face pack to get over dry skin at earliest. This mixture provide immense moisture and gives glow to skin.
- Banana:-
Take two bananas and grind them in mixer properly. Later apply this mashed banana over face and after 25-30 minutes wash it off cleanly with water.
- Avocado:-
Freeze out the juice from one avocado and mix a tbsp of honey and curd to it. Make use of this mixture for dry parts of skin and then rinse it off.
- Curd pack:-
Applying mixture of 2 tbsp of curd and honey helps significantly to get rid of dry skin. People having dry skin should apply this to get radiant and glowing skin as soon as possible. Leave the mixture at least half an hour and then wash it off.
- Eggs pack:-
Eggs are said to be powerhouse of protein and eggs pack are indispensable for achieving healthy, radiant skin. It is one of the easily homemade beauty remedy for people of dry skin. For preparing this face pack take one egg only and excluding the yolk. Later mix a tbsp of orange juice, a tbsp of olive oil, a teaspoon of castor oil, few drops of rose water, a tbsp of olive oil, few drops of freshly crushed lime juice and honey into egg yolk. After including all these ingredients, apply the same mixture daily morning before taking a bath and then rinsed off.